Reason for this inclusion
One of the biggest problems preachers have today is finding time to prepare good sermons. These are busy times, and the pastor is busier than most people. Preacher requires not only the time to think of something to preach about, but also time to develop the sermon. Many of my friends in the Ministry have turned to me for years to get sermon ideas. Even though I’ve never preached from a manuscript my sermons always followed an organized outline. I often kept a record of the outlines. On this page, I will share those outlines free of charge. Most of these sermons are timeless.
The sermon outlines here are original. I have preached most of them, and they have been shared with several other of my minister friends, who have preached from them also.
Using these outlines does not mean that you are preaching my sermons, only that you are addressing issues that I addressed, which are almost always issues that are in urgent need of being addresses. greatly needs to be addressed.
And every bit of information in them is correct. I will share two a week.
Gen: 2:24 Mat 19:6, John 17:20,21
God’s Desire for Oneness
Intro. Biblical situation...Jesus’ prayer, which could really be called The Lord’s prayer. Here we have the Lord praying an agonizing prayer, pouring out his heart to the father. You can tell a lot about a person’s concern by listening to their prayers. Jesus prays for his followers, that they might be one, and that they might stick together. Of all the things Jesus could have asked God for, he asks that His followers stay together as one group.
Throughout the Bible there is an expression of God’s desire for oneness among his people. God knew the challenges that would face those who chose to believe in Him and He knew that they would stand stronger and last longer if they stood together. The church is challenged today as never before to stick together, for it is threatened by many of the same forces that have always plagued it, and new ones that it has never seen before. So the world the church to stand together more than ever before.
1. Oneness is essential to your survival. Together we stand, forever we stand. Jesus built the church to last. He said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. He did not say that the gates of hall shall not come up against it, but that they would not prevail against it. There will be many things that will come against it. But there will also be many things what will come up within it. The church may be more at risk from those things that come up within it than those things that come from without it.
II. Oneness paints the proper picture of God and His people to a confused and disunited world. We are the light of the world, the people of the way. We must be an example to the rest of the world. Sinners like to see Christians fighting among themselves.
III. Oneness is necessary to accomplish the great work of God.
IV. Oneness is beautiful.133 Psalm. “O how Good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
(Acts 20:35
It is more blessed to Give than to Receive
Intro. Biblical background.
Paul’s intention was to nurture in new Christians one of the most fundamental traits of the Christian community- the characteristic of giving. More than anything else, Christians are known by their giving….you shall know them by their love-but love often is expressed through giving.
This “give me “generation, this entitlement generation would hardly be interested in hearing anyone saying to them that it is more blessed to give than to receive. But there is a great need for giving and there is a great value in giving, both to the giver and the receiver.
I. Giving allows you to participate in the balancing plan of God….Man is by nature unequal, therefore the only way to have balance and peace in the world is through giving.
America has remained peaceful because Christianity has convinced enough people of the need to give…the great families in America have been givers…it is a blessing.
II. Giving puts you on the receiving end of God’s giving program. God responds to giving by giving-and you can’t beat God giving….Cast your bread upon the waters…. You can’t give in order to receive, but if you give from the heart you can’t help but receive.
III. Giving allows you to experience the highest level of worth and happiness. Selfish, greedy people never experience the spiritual high that comes from giving.