This site is about the ministry of Rev. W. L. Jenkins, and what a ministry it has been! Rev. Jenkins has been preaching for nearly sixty years. He has his roots in the Mississippi Delta, a section of the country that has produced and developed an abundance of great preachers, educators, singers, writers, and thinkers. Rev. Jenkins ranks high on the list of educators and preachers.
From early childhood Rev. Jenkins demonstrated a rare understanding of the word of God, and even as a child, the adults around him knew that he had a rare spiritual gift.
The depth of his understanding of the word of God and the ways of God are not matched by many. His understanding of human nature and the human condition far exceeds that of most people.
The material on this site is a compilation of Rev. Jenkins’ intellectual and spiritual gift to us. The website is an effort to share that gift. As a preacher, teacher, writer, and orator, Rev. Jenkins has traveled the country and spoken to people of all races, ethnicities, religious and political persuasions, and all classes and ages. And almost always he is received with appreciation and his presentations move people to a higher understanding of the issues upon which he speaks.
On this site you will be able to share the sermons, educational lectures, and writings of Rev. Jenkins. It is our hope that they will be a blessing to you.